This lists various common abbreviations used in electrical, automation, instrumentation, and standards fields along with their full forms. Some key abbreviations include HT for high tension, LT for low tension, PLC for programmable logic controller, DCS for distributed control system, SCADA for supervisory control and data acquisition, PID for proportional integral derivative, IEC for international electrotechnical commission, ISO for international organization for standardization, and NEMA for national electrical manufacturers association. In total, it defines over 70 common abbreviations across these technical domains.
Original Description:
This list will give a basic idea on Electrical abbreviations used in Industrial and Oil &Gas process plants.
Electrical Equipment Abbreviations:
ACB = Air Circuit Breaker
VCB = Vacuum Circuit Breaker
MCB = Miniature Circuit Breaker
MCCB = Molded case circuit breaker
MPCB = Motor Protection Circuit Breaker
EMPR = Electronic Motor Protection RELAY
RCCB = Residual Current Circuit Breaker
RCBO = Residual Current Circuit Breaker With
Over-Current Protection
ELCB = Earth Leakage Circuit Breaker
HRC = Fuse High Rupture Capacity Fuse
OLTC = On Load Tap Change
SF6 Circuit Breaker = Sulphur Hexafluoride Circuit Breaker
MPDB = Main Power Distribution Board
ACDB = Alternating Current Distribution
HT = High tension > Transformer HT Side
LT = Low tension
DO Fuse = Drop Out Fuse
DCDB = Direct current Distribution Board
PDB = Power Distribution Board
PCC = Power Control Center
MCC = Motor Control Centre
MCP = Motor Control Panel
VVVF = Variable Voltage Variable Frequency Drive
VFD = Variable Frequency Drive
DOL = Direct Online
RDOL = Reverse Duty on Line
MLDB = Main Light Distribution Board
SLDB = Secondary Lighting Distribution Board
EMLDB = Emergency Light Distribution Board
CPSS = Construction Power Substation
DPS = Distributed Power Substation
RCC = Remote Control Cables
FCMA = Flux Compensated Magnetic Amplifier
UPS = Un-Interrupted Power Supply
SMF Battery = Sealed Maintenance Free
JB = Junction Box
PB = Push Button
TB = Terminal Box
LCB = Local Control Board
LCS = Local Control Station
SPNDB = Short Circuit Protection Neutral Distribution Board
TPNDB = Phase Three and Neutral
Distribution Board
CT = Current Transformer
PT = Potential Converter
SCIM = Squirrel Cage Induction Motor
ACVS = Air-conditioning and Ventilation
FDA = Fire Detection & Alarm
PCS = Pull Cord Switch
ZSS = Zero Speed Switch
BSS = Belt Sway switch
NO = Normally opened
NC = Normally Closed