Download SHX fonts from AutoCAD in Arabic and Kufi | 2025 MEP Tools

Download SHX fonts from AutoCAD in Arabic and Kufi | 2025 MEP Tools

SHX fonts from AutoCAD in Arabic and Kufi

Download Free Arabic and Kufi SHX AutoCAD Fonts

Our free SHX fonts for AutoCAD open the doors to Arabic and Kufi calligraphy

Download the SHX Arabic and Kufis Font Collection for AutoCAD for Free – Various styles of Arabic and Kufis AutoCAD fonts, including the Sosa font.

What are SHX fonts?

SHX fonts are the most commonly used font format in AutoCAD, as they offer greater flexibility and customizability compared to TrueType fonts.

Sometimes AutoCAD fonts are not appropriate for your design and you need to change the style to make it more suitable, that's why we provide you with many styles of AutoCAD fonts in English.

The Shape font (. SHX) is the most commonly used font type in AutoCAD. AutoCAD generally supports two types of fonts: True Type fonts (TTF) and Shape fonts (SHX).

To install these fonts in AutoCAD: copy and paste these files in this location

C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD \Fonts

How to add SHX fonts to AutoCAD?

The following steps will add SHX fonts to AutoCAD:

1. Find the SHX font files:

Get the SHX font files you want to add. The usual extension for these files is . SHX.

2. Copying SHX font files to the font folder:

Copy the SHX font files to the AutoCAD Fonts folder. Typically, the default Fonts folder is located in the AutoCAD installation directory (for example, C:\Program Files\Autodesk\AutoCAD [version]\Fonts)

How to add SHX fonts to AutoCAD

3. Open the SHX font:

Use the "STYLE" command in AutoCAD once it is open. The SHX font you want to use can be searched for and chosen in the Text Style dialog box. The SHX typeface can be uploaded by clicking the "Upload..." button.

4. Set the style of the text as follows:

Using your chosen SHX font after you've uploaded it, you can create or alter text styles.

  • Enter "STYLE" in the command line text box.
  • Choose the font you uploaded from the Font Name pop-up menu in the Text Style dialog box.
  • Make any necessary adjustments to the height, width factor, and oblique angle settings.

5. Use the text style:

Use text styling for your text, annotations, and other text-based features.

  • Select the text or type something new.
  • In the Properties pane, select the desired text style from the Text Style drop-down menu.

At this point, the text in your AutoCAD drawings should be accessible and use your SHX font.

However, in general, this process should work for most versions of AutoCAD. However, keep in mind that some versions of AutoCAD or small modifications to the configuration may vary the processes a bit.

Download Free Collection of Arabic and Kufi SHX AutoCAD Fonts – Different AutoCAD Font Styles for Arabic and Kufi Including Sosa Font.

Free AutoCAD font library for Arabic fonts including Sosa font which solves all problems of Arabic languages in AutoCAD.

Click below button to Download Arabic and Kufi SHX Fonts for AutoCAD

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