Star (Wye) vs. Delta Connection in Three-Phase Systems
🔹 Star (Wye) Connection
Voltage: Line Voltage = √3 × Phase Voltage
Current: Line Current = Phase Current
Neutral: Yes, has a neutral point
Applications: Low-voltage systems, power distribution, motor starting
Advantages: Lower voltage, balanced load, suitable for 3-phase and single-phase loads
🔸 Delta Connection
Voltage: Line Voltage = Phase Voltage
Current: Line Current = √3 × Phase Current
Neutral: No neutral point
Applications: High-voltage systems, industrial motors, transformers
Advantages: Higher voltage, handles more power, no neutral required
▶️ In summary:
Star (Wye): Ideal for lower voltage, balanced loads with neutral.
Delta: Perfect for high-voltage, power-intensive applications.
#ElectricalEngineering #PowerSystems #ThreePhase #StarConnection #DeltaConnection #MotorStarting #IndustrialApplications #EnergyEfficiency